Channing playing soccer!

Sunday, September 25, 2011
This is her second year to play, and what a difference a year makes! We are having sooo much fun watching her! Her last game she really picked it up and scored about 3 goals in 3 minutes. She got knocked down or tripped a few times and came out crying, but when she was in, she was an animal! Love that girl!

Jaxson at pre-school!

We were lucky enough when we moved here last year to find the best place for chann and jax! He is a little sad this year that she has graduated up to kinder and they're no longer together, but was so excited to reunite with all of his old friends and teachers! He is going 3 days this year, and has only given me grief a couple of times so far! For the most part he loves it!

Quotes From Jaxson at 3 Years Old!

Saturday, September 24, 2011
"Mimi said if you wrap a necklace around your neck, it can cut your neckulation off".
"I love Mrs. Gonese.  I like to sit in her lap". (talking about our friend Denise)
"That girl is GORGEOUS!  I wish we could bring her home to be our baby." (talking about colbie caillat after seeing her on tv).  

The Morning Before Jaxy Got Sick....

Monday, September 12, 2011
The croup was a 2 week long disaster in our house.  One right after the other, and all right around the first week of school!  This particular morning Jax and I were playing my favorite game.  We go through all the magazines so I can get rid of them.  I tell him to find a dog for example.... the first one of us to rip a picture of a dog out wins.  Meanwhile, I am looking for recipes and house ideas to make sure I don't throw anything valuable away :) .  Then we went to Luci's b-day party.  I could tell he wasn't feeling 100%.  About 30 minutes after we got home his fever shot up to 103, and it was just downhill from there.  Poor little guy... 4 days of fever and sore throat.  Couldn't talk.  Just miserable.  Felt so sorry for my little man!


Maddox at 6 months!

Words cannot express the love I have for this little chunky monkey!  He is a peaceful, happy, adorable bundle of perfection.  He was sleeping all night, every night, until he sadly caught the croup.  He slept with us for about a week, and also ended up in the hospital overnight, so that really disrupted things for him!  Every now and then he will get MAD (if you put him to bed before he is ready.... WATCH OUT!).  He is gobbling up 3 meals a day plus bottles, trying to crawl, and just got fitted for him helmet to hopefully re-shape his little head.  I can see his little mouth trying to make out words, and he just laughs and laughs at Channing and Jaxson!  He is in the 75th % in everything physically.... which a big change in our family.  He makes us all smile everyday, and we love him more and more with each minute that passes!

Maddox at 7 Months

Friday, September 9, 2011
As if I weren't already smitten with this little guy, he just gets cuter every day.  He has the most pleasant disposition... is always smiling (just not in this picture because he is stuffed in a white bucket with a bath robe!), he loves everything that I feed him, and I mean everything!  He still pretty much sleeps through the night, but we have gone through a lot of waking up "phases" over the past couple of months that will  last a couple of weeks.   It's rough when you finally start getting to sleep all night to wake up again.   He's just starting to show interest in crawling, and I am nervous about what it's going to be like when he really takes off!  Especially because Chann and Jax leave tiny little toys, money, and anything else you can think of all over this house!  

Maddox and His Hospital Stay!

Saturday, September 3, 2011
The past few weeks have been a little rough.  First came Channing, with a terrible case of croup for the first time EVER, then poor little Jaxson, who I said looked like a grouchy old man in a nursing home in his pj's, stumbling around the house, demanding to be held and screaming "Give me some water!  Hold me!  I need medicine!", and then helpless little Maddox, who actually rolled with it better than anyone, but unfortunately affected his breathing so much worse than anyone else's, and after 2 trips to the Dr. office and 1 trip to the ER we ended up in the hospital overnight.  He was almost good as new after 23 hours, so we got to go home.  We are almost completely well now, except the occasional barking cough.