Jaxson's 2nd Birthday Party!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Whew.... there is something to be said with not having a party at your house... you leave the place, and no more mess!  Love it!  We had his party today at a gymnastics place called LSA.  Loved the morning party... everyone came to play, eat, then home for naps.  The kids love that place.... all the bouncing, climbing, running.  And boy, was it hot in there!  But again, the kids don't seem to mind as much as the parents!  We were all red faced and sweaty!  We had so many sweet friends come to the party, and Jaxson had a blast.  Channing was being a bit of a dare devil on the bounce house slide... made me a nervous wreck!  She did bounce off once.... everyone held their breath... but she bounced up and yelled "I'm fine!!!".  Jaxson stopped being interested in the gifts after he opened his first "horsey" present, and after that, that is all he wanted and ripping into it was his only objective.  But I was so excited opening his gifts!  He got some cool stuff!  I guess that is part of living vicariously through our children... moms don't get 20 gifts at once very often!  So fun to be a kid!


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