The Two's Can be Terrible.... but oh so cute!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Jaxson, Jaxson, Jaxson.  Well, he was supposed to be with the sitter this morning, sissy is at school, and I was going to get lots of house work done.  But Jaxson cried so hard about leaving that I just couldn't make him go, so here I am with dirty hair, sweats, and picking up mess after mess like most days.  He has gone potty standing on a chair onto the floor, poured dish soup all over the table, poured out a glass of strawberry milk, taken bites out of 4 apples, and really, that is just a few of the messes we have had today.  But he grins, and hugs me, and I melt and really don't care what he does.  But seriously, nap time can't come soon enough!


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