Channing's School Work

Saturday, November 26, 2011
So far, kindergarten has been better than I ever expected.  Channing has homework once a week, that is given out on Monday and due on Thursday.  She is really doing well, and again, I know that waiting the extra year was a good decision.  She loves to read, write, and is coming home solving math problems on her own almost everyday.  She has some great friends, and I really love a little girl in her class named Merritt.  We had a school field trip last week to the zoo (more pics from that later), and I got a chance to meet more of the kids and parents.  Channing and Jaxson both had an awesome time.  There is not a ton of volunteer requests, and since Maddox and Jaxson are still so little, that is good for me.  I do the pictures for her class, and I also am a "book club" volunteer, and we meet once a month.


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