Being with my family (dad, uncles, step-mom) this weekend made me realize how blessed I really am. Actually- I have had many moments like that over the past few weeks. Channing has been such a dream, and I love having her around, and we just seem to be having the best time together. Jaxson- well- he's not really a
dream right now, but so cute, and cuddly, and wonderful! Of course Paxton, as always, makes me realize everyday how lucky I am to have found him. And it seems like I just keep having great conversations with strangers, mostly on airplanes, that really make me think, and make me realize there are some really good people in the world, sometimes it is just not easy to see that. Back to this weekend.... My Uncle Bob from CA drove in and I really wanted to see him, but it was going to be $1000 for us all to fly into Tulsa, so I decided to take the free kid (Jaxson), and left Channing for a father/ daughter weekend here. They had a blast.... sea world, restaurants, lots of playtime, not to mention a very bad sunburn and scolding for Paxton from me! But anyway, it was so much fun at my Dad's.... we play lots of cards, got to eat Thai food (my FAVORITE), and did some site seeing. I never realized there were such upscale neighborhoods in Tulsa with gorgeous architecture. I love seeing the older, tudor style homes. Jaxson was a trooper for the most part, until Sunday. He was so tired and cranky, but by the time we got to the airport, he had worn himself out, and although he didn't sleep, he was pretty quiet. I was exhausted too, and was SO HAPPY TO be home! But the trip made me think about all the things I am grateful for.....
1.) Knowing that Paxton will smile at me first thing in the a.m., even though he is NOT a morning person.
2.) having Channing climb in bed with us in the middle of the night, even though I complain about being woken up.
3.) the way my name is first thing that comes out of Jaxson's mouth when he wakes up.
4.) wildflowers.... I am obsessed with picking them and putting them all over the house.
5.) having all the windows open, and hearing the birds!
6.) knowing that if I have only a handful of people that understand me, love me just the way I am, and that I know I can totally be myself with (and vice versa), that's more than some people have in an entire lifetime. I am thankful for those people!
7.) Having someone else clean my house, even if just occasionally! Thank you OLGA!!!! You made my day Thursday!
8.) An extended family that can be screwed up at times, but is always accepting, loving, and supportive.
9.) getting into a made bed with clean sheets.
10.) finding a relationship with God after feeling a deep void for over a year now. Thank you for forgiveness!