Sunday, March 28, 2010
First of all, before anyone tells me, yes I know picking bluebonnets is illegal..... we didn't technically pick it, it kind of "broke off" when we were moving the bench. Anyway..... LOVE LOVE LOVE the weekend we just had! The weather was PERFECT all weekend! Hot even! Saturday we got the play area pretty much finished.... we may not have grass but the kids have a nice area with pea gravel, swing set, their playhouse, and soon will also have a sand pit. Not that they need that now, but again, some day we will have grass and they will be glad to have a little sand reserved to remind them of our grassless days! Saturday night we went to the Ag booster dinner/dance, and just to get a sitter, get semi- dressed up, and to socialize is just awesome! And we know so many more people than we did when we went last year, so it really was fun! This morning we worked in the nursery at church, and today we finished up the play area, but the BEST part was that I wanted to take Chann and Jax's portraits out in the bluebonnets, and for once, praise the Lord, they actually participated, smiled, and I got both of them together. I am on CLOUD NINE about this. You just don't understand how frustrating it is to try to get pics of your own kids when you are getting pretty good and taking everyone else's. Really great weekend!


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