A Few Things I Have Been Meaning To Document......

Sunday, July 25, 2010
I am working on pics for a client and getting distracted..... thinking of things that have happened over the past few weeks that I don't want to forget, so need to get them in the ole' blog!  The first, and probably most memorable, is the GUM incident.  Last Friday we were on our way to Kendal's party at Chuck E Cheese in SA, and of course I am such an excellent mom that I give my 2 year old gum (because usually he is pretty good with it!), and on this particular day, he takes it out of his mouth and stretches it from one side of his head to the other.  It was completely stuck in his bangs, dangling down into his face, and he was so proud..... just smiling away.  I was in total shock (because, you know, a 2 year old would NEVER get gum in their hair)... I pulled over, and tried to get it out to no avail.  Anyway, had to go into the party like that, tried ice, of course that didn't work.  Everyone was staring at us. Almost 3 hours later, when we got home, p-nut butter was my hero!  I couldn't bare to cut all of his curls off!  Something else funny was taking the kids to see Toy Story 3 with Paxto yesterday.... they were cracking me up with those "Blues Brothers" 3D glasses on.... both sitting there, so seriously.  I laughed every time I looked over at them.  And then some fast music started playing and Channing jumped up and started just breaking it down... she is just like her mama....  can't sit still when there is music playing!


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