What moving....again.... has taught me

Thursday, February 3, 2011
It's now been almost a week, and we are completely settled in.  We have trash piled up on the porch and several boxes left unpacked, but the kids are completely satisfied, I have cooked dinner in the new house, Paxton has started work, and it's almost as if we have been here for months.  I was really scared when the prospect of all of this came up.... us starting over again, moving so close to my due date, then my Pappy taking a turn for the worse and passing away, and so many other things that came up along the way.   I was scared that hormonally, I would not be able to handle this (and time will still tell when the baby gets here and exhaustion kicks in), but for now, I am proud of us, and of me.  I make it through the day with little complaining about this big belly and aching hips and legs... but to be honest, around 7pm the complaining does pick up a little.  I have created a schedule for Channing and Jaxson while they are home, and it involves morning song time, prayer time, arts and crafts, and of course their playtime alone.  That helps, especially with all of this cold weather.  I have learned over the past 5 years, that it is HARD, and will be hard, to be a stay at home mom, especially of 3.  I don't know if this was necessarily what was meant for me, as I am not the most patient, laid back gal in the world.  But God knows best, and if has given me all of these blessings, surely I can find a way to appreciate them and make the most of each day.  I have learned through moving that the size of your bathtub (mine has been GREATLY downgraded), whether or not there is a TV mounted to your bathroom wall, whether or not your cooktop will boil water in 90 seconds, whether or not you have a perfectly organized playroom, whether or not you have a yard full of stickers and sand or lush green grass (you get the picture... I could go on and on), doesn't really matter.  Being together, as a family, and making a huge effort everyday to make those in your family happy, to make your husband feel like you can handle it when he is doing his best to make a better life for you, and to know that your family is doing their best to make you happy, and to know that you can handle the bumps along the way, that is all that really matters.  And I like knowing that.  I like knowing that we can handle these changes, and we are so lucky and blessed that most of these changes are for the best, and will eventually mean such security for our family.  I have to keep my eyes on that, and just keep praying and looking forward to the arrival of our next little blessing, Maddox Graham Hurst (less than a week away!).
On another note, we have enjoyed looking at this beautiful snow, and the kids braved the cold for about 10 minutes the first day.


Unknown said...

Good for you! Great outlook... glad you are settled!! Sending prayers your way...

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