Maddox at 10 Weeks

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
I am behind again.... as Maddox turns 12 weeks today!!!  Can't believe it!  This is what I am figuring out: the reasons there are less pictures of #3 are that you are so busy enjoying this baby, especially when you know it's your last, that you forget to jump up and grab the camera; you really are so busy just trying to get through the day that you forget to jump up and grab the camera; you really do take a lot of pictures but never can find the time to upload and print them!  I love this little guy SO much!  He started smiling really early on, I guess at about 8 weeks, but I rarely catch it in a picture.  He is a CHUNKY MONKEY... eats VERY often during the day, but thankfully, is only waking up about once at night, usually around 3 or 4am.  And he's so pleasant when he does wake up, just eats and back to sleep.  We did have a few rough weeks with excessive spitting up and fussiness, and finally gave in and put him on reflux medicine.  That has made a HUGE difference.   He had a really bad breakout of what I guess was baby acne shortly before these pics were taken (you can barely see it on his forehead in some of the close-ups, but I kind of cleaned them up) got really bad after these were taken.  I still don't know for sure if it was baby acne or a heat rash because he does get hot so easily, but it finally cleared up right before easter.   Channing and Jaxson are still doing so great with him, and although Jaxson has his moments where he seems a little jealous (makes me so sad!) and wants to be burped, held, fed, etc.... he has adjusted really well.


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