My Week with The Boys!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Channing has put on her big girl pants and is spending an entire week away from us with her cousin, Jade, going to VBS in fairview.  I really thought after a day or 2 she would be ready to come home, but it's not happening.  She is having a blast!  Pax and I were gone for 3 days last week, so I feel like I haven't seen her in forever!  But, today, I finally realized that there is an up to her sad little absence from our home... Jaxson is getting sooo much attention, and I can see major improvement in his behavior.  It really does make me feel a little bad sometimes, because it is true with the middle child.... very rarely do they get to be the center of attention.  There was one here when he came along, and one will be left here when he heads off to school.  But Pax and I go out of our way with all 3 to make each one of them feel special, and they will all have to sacrifice for the other at some point.. it's just the way it goes.  Just like poor Maddox today; he had to sacrifice comfort (since it was blazing hot outside) so that I could fulfill jax's dream of going to the zoo.  Not that he's never been, but for some reason lately he is obsessed with going to the zoo and getting cotton candy, or as he calls it, "popcorn candy".  If I would have known that once we got there he would show next to no interest in the animals and only wanted the cotton candy, I would have googled the nearest store that sold the stuff and saved myself some time.  In the afternoon while Maddox napped I swam for a few minutes with Jaxson, and Paxton swam with him more when he got home.  I spend a lot of the end of the day loving on Maddox.... feeding him, playing with him, bathing him.  I mashed up avocado for him tonight, and he ate a little of it.  Paxton took Maddox into the pool for a few minutes and he really wasn't digging it, but it was cute to get his naked booty picture.  I am enjoying my one on one with them, and will be ready for some one on one with my little Channing!


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